Sunday, October 27, 2019

Communication for Work Purposes (Corporate Environment)

Last meeting, our teacher discussed about the communication for work purposes. Communication is evolving from time to time. Example of this is the old method of communication which is letters and mails. This kind of communication in work place happened in the early years. It is the only way of sending mails from one company to another. As time goes by telephones are the next being used for communicating in work. It is much easier compare to the letters which will delivered after how many days. Using telephones can easily exchange informations. Also people prefer using telephones than using face to face interaction because it will save time. Our teacher also discussed the positive and negative communications in workplace. Positive communication can increase company's reputation while the negative communication can ruin customer's relation. Lastly, the ECPA which is new to me.

As a student, while our teacher is discussing the topic about the communication for work purposes, I am writing down notes so that I will have a reviewer for our next exam. Also I am listening on what he is being discussed so that I will understand what he's saying while I'm writing. I also enjoyed the questions because it made me think critically.

 I learned a lot from the topic being discussed last meeting. It will help me to prepare myself in the future on how to communicate in workplace. For me, communication in workplace is important because if there's a communication it will lead to understanding, if they understand each other they will build unity, and if they have unity it will lead to better performance if the people in workplace. Also I understand the different positive and negative communication in workplace. I should prevent those negative communication because it will lead to negative effects. Lastly, I am now aware of the ECPA or the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. It was a new knowledge for me because this is the first time I encountered this kind of act.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Communication Technology

Last meeting our teacher discussed about the "Communication Technology". It is the process of exchanging information with other people using technology as a platform. He also tackled the types of communication. Identifying these things will help us to broaden our knowledge about the different kind of platforms for sending and receiving messages.

He also mentioned the internet as "The mother of networks". Also the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet. Television, fax machine, DVD ROM and super drive, cellphones, printed media, and applications are also mentioned in the discussion.

Last meeting, while our teacher is explaining the lessons. I am actively listening and writing the lessons. After the discussion, we had an activity which we are able to apply our learning. In this activity, our teacher will flash the questions on the board and we should text him the answer. If I know the answer, I will text it to our teacher and I will also spread the answer to our group so that we will have a higher chance to win.

On this topic, I learned about the communication technology, how are we going to use it in right way and do not abuse it. Also this topic helped me to realize that there are many platforms to communicate with other people. Also the advantages and disadvantages of communication technology in ourselves. Communication will always be part of our everyday life.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology

Last week on our meeting in Purposive communication, we tackled about the communication aids and strategies using tool of technology. This topic helped us to identify the different presentation Medias, creating PowerPoint presentation, the rules in presentation, and using the technology effectively to give information to the audience.
  •          Analyze information by identifying its different components
  •          Understand the different way of using technology as communication aid
  •          Evaluate the information presented

As a student, my main goal is to write the important details while listening to our teachers. We are also listening when there is some clarifications that needs to be clarified before we proceed to the other slide. Listening to our teachers helped us to be more focused on the speaker and to understand the lesson.

From this topic that being discussed by our teachers, I’ve learned many things like creating PowerPoint presentation. This is the kind of knowledge that you shouldn’t forget because we can use it in the future for presenting in meetings or for teaching students. We also learned from our teachers about the mistakes that we usually do in making presentation. But because they told us the correct way, we will avoid making the wrong one.

Communication for Academic Purposes

Our teacher in Purposive Communication discussed the proper way of creating an academic paper last meeting. He also discussed the pa...